Installing Ivanti Voice Server

The server installation wizard installs the Ivanti Voice server on the Ivanti Voice host computer. It also allows you to install integrations for HEAT, Ivanti Neurons for ITSM, Ivanti Neurons for ITSM, GMEE, and SaaS, all operating from a central server.

Ivanti Voice uses a SQL Server database for storing information such as statistical values and interaction data. Ivanti Voice supports MS SQL Server 2014, 2016, and 2019.

Ivanti Voice does not support Windows Authentication.

Setting up Microsoft SQL Server

This installation chapter only discusses instructions specific to the Ivanti Voice database setup, and assumes readers are expert-level SQL Server users. For details on specific SQL tasks, refer to the Microsoft documentation.

This installation procedure requires you to have an existing empty database (generally referred to as a database shell), with database sign-in credentials.

Installing Ivanti Voice Server

The Ivanti Voice Server installation requires you to run the Ivanti Voice Server installation wizard, during which you will connect Ivanti Voice to your database server and then return to the installation wizard.

Running the Ivanti Voice Server Installation Wizard

  1. Verify that the target computer meets or exceeds the system requirements listed in the Hardware and Network Requirements help topic.

  2. Exit all programs running on your system.
  3. Double-click the IvantiVoiceServer.exe file.
  4. Before the Ivanti Voice installation wizard opens, you will be asked to install missing Microsoft C++ prerequisites.
  5. When complete, the IP Communications Management Server - InstallShield Wizard dialog box opens.
  6. Click Next to open the License Agreement dialog box.

    If you are using Windows Server 2012 and have not yet installed Desktop Experience, a prompt indicates that Desktop Experience must be installed before proceeding with the Ivanti Voice installation. Exit the installation wizard, install Desktop Experience, and then restart the wizard to complete your installation.

  7. Review the licensing information and click the I accept radio button and check boxes.
  8. Click Next. The Custom Setup dialog box opens, displaying the installation options as well as the default location for the program files.
  9. In addition to installing the Ivanti Voice server, you have the option to install:
    1. Integration with HEAT
    2. Integration with Foundation
    3. Integration with GoldMine
    4. Integration with SaaS: Refers to integration with Ivanti Neurons for ITSM (hosted or on premise).

    As you select the features to be installed, the default destination folder path displays. If desired, you may click the Change button to select another folder into which you will install the program files. If you select another folder, substitute that folder’s path as necessary when following the subsequent instructions in this guide. [need to make a link between those instructions and this note OR strike it. Seems too low level, but maybe not.].

  10. Click Next.
    • If you did not select the Integration with Foundation option, proceed to the next step.
    • If you selected the Integration with Foundation option, the Integration with Foundation dialog box opens:
      • Select the appropriate version of Foundation.

        When you specify the Foundation version, three configuration files, ITSMConnector.dll.config, ITSMLiason.exe.config, and VxCCL.exe.config, do not have to be manually configured to reflect the correct assembly version. However, if you need to manually configure these files for any reason, refer to the online help topic "Ivanti Voice/Foundation Configuration" for details.

      • Click Next.

Setting up the Database Server

  1. On the Admin Credentials and Database Server type dialog box, enter an Administrator user name and password.
    • User names are case-sensitive and may contain upper and lower-case letters (a-z and A-Z), numbers (0-9), underscores (_), periods (.), and dashes (-). All other characters are prohibited.
    • Passwords are case-sensitive and may contain any character with an ASCII code from 1-127, including upper and lower-case letters, numbers, and punctuation marks. The maximum length for a password is 32 characters.

    Choose a secure Administrator user name and password and store it in your chosen digital password vault. Ivanti, Inc. does not have access to your user name or password if you lose them.

  2. Choose an option for connecting to the Ivanti Voice server database.
    • If you selected the Select an existing MSSQL Server option, continue to the next step.
    • To use the Setup connection string manually option:
      • Click Next to open the Database connection string dialog box.
      • Type the database connection string in the field provided using the Ctrl+Enter keys for a line break.
      • Click the Wizard button to open a wizard that will guide you in generating the connection string.
      • Click Next.
      • The Ready to Install the Program dialog box opens. Click Install.
      • Click Finish on the InstallShield Wizard Completed dialog box.
  3. Click Next to open the Database Server dialog box.
    1. Choose your database server:
      1. Accept the database server default, or
      2. Click Browse to select from the list of database servers, or
      3. Type the name of an existing server in the Database Server field.
    2. Enter your SQL Server user name and password.
    3. Click Connect to select the database on the specified server.
    4. Click Next to open the Ready to Install the Program dialog box.
  4. Click Install.
  5. When the installation is complete, click Finish in the InstallShield Wizard Completed dialog box.

Server Verification

To Verify Successful Ivanti Voice Server Installation:

  1. On the Ivanti Voice server host computer, select Start > Programs > Ivanti, Inc. > Management Console.

    The first time an installation of the Management Console launches, the New Connection dialog box opens, requesting a user name, password, and the Ivanti Voice server selection. Enter the user name and password you created during installation; subsequent sign-in events do not require a password.

  2. Expand the hierarchy in the left pane to view the servers. A green icon indicates the server is running; a red icon indicates the server is not running.
  3. If a server has a red icon, right-click the icon and select Start Application. The icon turns green, indicating the server is running.
  4. For additional information on using the Management Console, see Server Administration.